Aug 6, 2011

Reposting for Events - Stuff up with Stuffed Capsicum

I should say I am becoming lazy to write up new recipes or busy with move and kid's weekly activities in their new school. I have been scratching my head to come up with fancy dress ideas for my kids next week, at the same time becoming nostalgic with thinking about all the fancy dress costumes i wore when i was a kid ( Aha, those fun days...... Given a chance I want all of those days back), I know, I know, No Chance, Right!!, So I am taking that chance again  being involved with my kids. Enough venting about my kids fancy dress saga, coming to point, I don't want to miss my best blogger friend Archana's hosting up LGSS series this mo nth started by Vatsala. Taking this event as excuse, I would like to make my readers to recollect the recipe that I have started this new year with, presenting my Stuffed Capsicum recipe here again. No cooking hassle, just prepare the stuffing and let the Oven take care of rest of the recipe while you get ready for that potluck party tonight. No need to ask that's what i did when I made this recipe in the past for New Year Party!!! :-)

Mouthwatering...... For more step- by - step pictures, instructions and for original recipe, please check out the Stuff up with Stuffed Capsicum.

I am sending this recipe to LGSS Event hosted by Archana and started by Vatsala.

take care until we meet here again...


  1. Hi Mytreyi, hope you are doing well! Long time no see..Summer has been hectic for me with family visits and kids at home!
    This is a fav and the peppers looks perfectly stuffed and good to eat!!!

    hugs, priya



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