Mar 8, 2015

21 Healthy Snacks Challenge for Kids

Recently at Abhi and Anvi's school, there is a 21 Healthy Snacks challenge has been given, where Kids have to eat Healthy Snacks for 21 days.  Anvi is very interested and excited to take a seat in this challenge. She religiously kept a record of the Healthy Snacks for 21 days and every day she felt proud when ever she tracked her healthy snack! Eventually Abhi also got into this challenge, it was hard for him to stay away from Cookies esp Oreos. He tried his best but missed some days.  To support them in the challenge my part is not to buy any Chips, Candies or Cookies from store. I have always kept only the healthy snacks around them, as they have no option to turn to any junk food but to these healthy snacks.

Anvi surprised me several times during this challenge with her question, 'Is this Junk Food or Healthy Snack?'  when ever she is in doubt of packing some store bough snacks. Overall, they did great and their log is a good reference for me now and in future to have the list of Healthy Snacks handy!  I have posted this list on my fridge to keep this in sight for everybody in our family.  I am posting this list here, hoping this will come in handy for you as well!

Here is the list of the 21 Healthy Snack list that my kids tracked as part of this challenge:

21 Healthy Snacks

Strawberries - 4
GoGurt - Yogurt Tube
Cheese Stick
Yogurt Covered Pretzels
Raw Almonds - 7
Grilled Chicken - 2 strips
Apple Slices - 4
Chobani Greek Yogurt
PineApple Slices - 1 cup
Multigrain Cheerio Cereal
Grapes - 7
Kids Clif Bar
French Toast Sticks
Oatmeal - Maple Syrup
Broccoli Quesadilla
Fruit Strips
Bluberries - 15
Omelet Dosa Roll
Roasted Carrots - 2

*p.s: Some of these pictures are taken from Google search results.

Take Care until i see you next time around here!

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